Webhook node

In this tutorial, we are going to create a webhook node that will automatically gets triggered when a webhook call is received. We will be using Alchemy Webhook to listen for Mined Transaction webhook call.


  • Have Outerbridge setup and working. See setup guide.
  • Alchemy account and Auth token. You can find the Auth token at Notify page.

Alchemy Auth Token

Step 1

Go to Outerbridge/packages/components/nodes, create a folder MinedTransactionWebhook. Inside the folder create a file MinedTransactionWebhook.ts.

Step 2

Add an icon into the folder. It can be either jpg, png, or svg format. For instance, at Alchemy main page, scroll to the bottom and click Press Kit. This will download a zipped file. Unzip the file and copy paste the svg logo file as alchemy.svg into the folder.

Step 3

In MinedTransactionWebhook.ts, import libraries, interfaces and utils.

import {
} from '../../src/Interface';
import {
} from '../../src/utils';
import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig, Method } from 'axios';

Step 4

Create the class and its constructor with properties. Read more on Node Properties.

class MinedTransactionWebhook implements INode {
label: string;
name: string;
type: NodeType;
description: string;
version: number;
icon: string;
incoming: number;
outgoing: number;
constructor() {
this.label = 'Mined Transaction Webhook';
this.name = 'minedTransactionWebhook';
this.icon = 'mined-transaction-webhook.svg';
this.type = 'webhook';
this.version = 1.0;
this.description = 'Start workflow whenever Alchemy webhook mined transaction webhook call received';
this.incoming = 0;
this.outgoing = 1;
module.exports = { nodeClass: MinedTransactionWebhook }

Step 5

Add node parameters:

  • actions
  • networks
  • credentials
  • inputParameters

Read more on Node Parameters.

class MinedTransactionWebhook implements INode {
actions: INodeParams[];
credentials?: INodeParams[];
networks?: INodeParams[];
inputParameters?: INodeParams[];
constructor() {
this.actions = [
label: 'Event',
name: 'webhook_type',
type: 'options',
options: [
label: 'Mined Transactions',
description: 'Triggered anytime a transaction sent through your API key gets successfully mined.',
] as INodeParams[];
this.networks = [
label: 'Network',
name: 'network',
type: 'options',
options: [
label: 'Ethereum Mainnet',
name: 'ETH_MAINNET',
] as INodeParams[];
this.credentials = [
label: 'Credential Method',
name: 'credentialMethod',
type: 'options',
options: [
label: 'Alchemy API Key',
name: 'alchemyApi',
default: 'alchemyApi',
] as INodeParams[];
this.inputParameters = [
label: 'App ID',
name: 'app_id',
type: 'string',
default: '',
description: 'App ID can be found within the URL of your specific app. For example, given the URL https://dashboard.alchemyapi.io/apps/xfu8frt3wf94j7h5 your App ID would be xfu8frt3wf94j7h5',
] as INodeParams[];
module.exports = { nodeClass: MinedTransactionWebhook }

In this tutorial, we only allow user to select Mined Transactions on Ethereum Mainnet for simplicity.

For sensitive information such as API key, we will need credentials to safely store and retrieve the information. Inside the credentialMethod field, user is able to select alchemyApi. We will need to create this credential file in the next step. See more information on Credentials.

Lastly, specify remaining parameters needed to create Mined Transactions Webhook. In this case, app_id is one of the required query parameters as specified here.

Step 6

Go to Outerbridge/packages/components/credentials, create a folder Alchemy. Inside the folder create a file AlchemyApi.ts. You can skip this if there is an existing one already. Copy and paste the following:

import {
} from '../../src/Interface';
class AlchemyApi implements INodeCredential {
name: string;
version: number;
credentials: INodeParams[];
constructor() {
this.name = 'alchemyApi';
this.version = 1.0;
this.credentials = [
label: 'Webhook Auth Token',
name: 'authToken',
type: 'string',
default: '',
optional: true,
description: 'Navigate to the top right corner of <a target="_blank" href="https://dashboard.alchemyapi.io/notify">Notify page</a> to copy your "Auth Token".'
module.exports = { credClass: AlchemyApi }

Step 7

Back to Outerbridge/packages/components/nodes/MinedTransactionWebhook/MinedTransactionWebhook.ts, create 2 webhook methods - createWebhook() and deleteWebhook() after the constructor. These 2 webhook methods are needed for every webhook node.

createWebhook() will be executed whenever we start testing a webhook node, or start deploying a workflow with webhook node.

deleteWebhook() will be executed whenever we finish testing a webhook node, or stop a deployed workflow with webhook node.

class MinedTransactionWebhook implements INode {
constructor() {
webhookMethods = {
async createWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookFullUrl: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
// create webhook
async deleteWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookId: string): Promise<boolean> {
// delete webhook
module.exports = { nodeClass: MinedTransactionWebhook }

Step 8

Inside createWebhook(), we need to first check if an existing webhook has been created on Alchemy. If not, create a new webhook. Refer more on:

class MinedTransactionWebhook implements INode {
constructor() {
webhookMethods = {
async createWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookFullUrl: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
// Check if webhook exists
const credentials = nodeData.credentials;
const inputParametersData = nodeData.inputParameters;
const networksData = nodeData.networks;
const actionsData = nodeData.actions;
if (inputParametersData === undefined || actionsData === undefined || networksData === undefined) {
throw new Error('Required data missing');
if (credentials === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing credentials');
const authToken = credentials.authToken as string;
const axiosConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: 'GET' as Method,
url: `https://dashboard.alchemyapi.io/api/team-webhooks`,
headers: { 'X-Alchemy-Token': authToken },
try {
const response = await axios(axiosConfig);
const responseData = response.data;
const webhooks = responseData.data;
const network = networksData.network as string;
const webhook_type = actionsData.webhook_type as string;
let webhookExist = false;
for (const webhook of webhooks) {
if (webhook.webhook_type === webhook_type && webhook.webhook_url === webhookFullUrl) {
if (webhook_type !== 'ADDRESS_ACTIVITY') {
const app_id = inputParametersData.app_id as string || '';
if (webhook.app_id === app_id) {
webhookExist = true;
webhookExist = true;
// Create a new webhook if it doesn't exists
if (!webhookExist) {
const data: ICommonObject = {
webhook_url: webhookFullUrl,
if (webhook_type === 'ADDRESS_ACTIVITY') {
let addresses = inputParametersData.addresses as string || '[]';
//Remove whitespaces
addresses = addresses.replace(/\s/g, '');
if (addresses) data.addresses = JSON.parse(addresses);
} else {
const app_id = inputParametersData.app_id as string || '';
data.app_id = app_id;
const axiosCreateConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: 'POST' as Method,
url: `https://dashboard.alchemyapi.io/api/create-webhook`,
headers: { 'X-Alchemy-Token': authToken },
let createResponseData = await axios(axiosCreateConfig);
createResponseData = createResponseData.data;
if (createResponseData && createResponseData.data && createResponseData.data.id) {
return createResponseData.data.id;
} catch (error) {
async deleteWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookId: string): Promise<boolean> {
// delete webhook
module.exports = { nodeClass: MinedTransactionWebhook }

At the end of tutorial, when you start testing this node, a webhook will be created at Alchemy as shown below.

Alchemy Create Webhook

Step 9

Inside deleteWebhook(), we delete the webhook using webhookId created from createWebhook(). Refer more on:

class MinedTransactionWebhook implements INode {
constructor() {
webhookMethods = {
async createWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookFullUrl: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
//...create webhook
async deleteWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookId: string): Promise<boolean> {
const credentials = nodeData.credentials;
if (credentials === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing credentials');
const authToken = credentials.authToken as string;
const axiosConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: 'DELETE' as Method,
url: `https://dashboard.alchemyapi.io/api/delete-webhook?webhook_id=${webhookId}`,
headers: { 'X-Alchemy-Token': authToken },
try {
await axios(axiosConfig);
} catch (error) {
return false;
return true;
module.exports = { nodeClass: MinedTransactionWebhook }

Step 10

Now that we have finished creating webhookMethods, we will need to create the main function to execute whenever the webhook is received. After webhookMethods, create a function name runWebhook().

class MinedTransactionWebhook implements INode {
constructor() {
webhookMethods = {
async createWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookFullUrl: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
//...create webhook
async deleteWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookId: string): Promise<boolean> {
//...delete webhook
async runWebhook(nodeData: INodeData): Promise<IWebhookNodeExecutionData[] | null> {
const inputParametersData = nodeData.inputParameters;
const req = nodeData.req;
if (inputParametersData === undefined) {
throw new Error('Required data missing');
if (req === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing request');
const returnData: ICommonObject[] = [];
headers: req?.headers,
params: req?.params,
query: req?.query,
body: req?.body,
rawBody: (req as any).rawBody,
url: req?.url
return returnWebhookNodeExecutionData(returnData);
module.exports = { nodeClass: MinedTransactionWebhook }

Step 11

At root path Outerbridge, run yarn run build to build the node into dist folder which will be eventually picked up by server. After build has successfully finished, run yarn run dev for development, or yarn run start for production.

🎉 You have successfully created a webhook node!

Testing the node

  1. Open up a new canvas, add MinedTransactionWebhook node and fill in the inputs. Then click Save & Test Webhook.

Outerbridge Mined Transaction Webhook
  1. Go to Alchemy Notify Page, you will see a new webhook has been created. Click Send Test Notification.

Alchemy Send Webhook
  1. Back to Outerbridge, you will now see the webhook has been received and output response is available.

Alchemy Receive Webhook
  1. Go to Alchemy Notify Page, do a refresh and you will see the webhook is automatically deleted.

Alchemy Remove Webhook

Complete Code

import {
} from '../../src/Interface';
import {
} from '../../src/utils';
import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig, Method } from 'axios';
class MinedTransactionWebhook implements INode {
label: string;
name: string;
type: NodeType;
description: string;
version: number;
icon: string;
incoming: number;
outgoing: number;
actions: INodeParams[];
credentials?: INodeParams[];
networks?: INodeParams[];
inputParameters?: INodeParams[];
constructor() {
this.label = 'Mined Transaction Webhook';
this.name = 'minedTransactionWebhook';
this.icon = 'mined-transaction-webhook.svg';
this.type = 'webhook';
this.version = 1.0;
this.description = 'Start workflow whenever Alchemy webhook mined transaction webhook call received';
this.incoming = 0;
this.outgoing = 1;
this.actions = [
label: 'Event',
name: 'webhook_type',
type: 'options',
options: [
label: 'Mined Transactions',
description: 'Triggered anytime a transaction sent through your API key gets successfully mined.',
] as INodeParams[];
this.networks = [
label: 'Network',
name: 'network',
type: 'options',
options: [
label: 'Ethereum Mainnet',
name: 'ETH_MAINNET',
] as INodeParams[];
this.credentials = [
label: 'Credential Method',
name: 'credentialMethod',
type: 'options',
options: [
label: 'Alchemy API Key',
name: 'alchemyApi',
default: 'alchemyApi',
] as INodeParams[];
this.inputParameters = [
label: 'App ID',
name: 'app_id',
type: 'string',
default: '',
description: 'App ID can be found within the URL of your specific app. For example, given the URL https://dashboard.alchemyapi.io/apps/xfu8frt3wf94j7h5 your App ID would be xfu8frt3wf94j7h5',
] as INodeParams[];
webhookMethods = {
async createWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookFullUrl: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
// Check if webhook exists
const credentials = nodeData.credentials;
const inputParametersData = nodeData.inputParameters;
const networksData = nodeData.networks;
const actionsData = nodeData.actions;
if (inputParametersData === undefined || actionsData === undefined || networksData === undefined) {
throw new Error('Required data missing');
if (credentials === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing credentials');
const authToken = credentials.authToken as string;
const axiosConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: 'GET' as Method,
url: `https://dashboard.alchemyapi.io/api/team-webhooks`,
headers: { 'X-Alchemy-Token': authToken },
try {
const response = await axios(axiosConfig);
const responseData = response.data;
const webhooks = responseData.data;
const network = networksData.network as string;
const webhook_type = actionsData.webhook_type as string;
let webhookExist = false;
for (const webhook of webhooks) {
if (webhook.webhook_type === webhook_type && webhook.webhook_url === webhookFullUrl) {
if (webhook_type !== 'ADDRESS_ACTIVITY') {
const app_id = inputParametersData.app_id as string || '';
if (webhook.app_id === app_id) {
webhookExist = true;
webhookExist = true;
// Create a new webhook if it doesn't exists
if (!webhookExist) {
const data: ICommonObject = {
webhook_url: webhookFullUrl,
if (webhook_type === 'ADDRESS_ACTIVITY') {
let addresses = inputParametersData.addresses as string || '[]';
//Remove whitespaces
addresses = addresses.replace(/\s/g, '');
if (addresses) data.addresses = JSON.parse(addresses);
} else {
const app_id = inputParametersData.app_id as string || '';
data.app_id = app_id;
const axiosCreateConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: 'POST' as Method,
url: `https://dashboard.alchemyapi.io/api/create-webhook`,
headers: { 'X-Alchemy-Token': authToken },
let createResponseData = await axios(axiosCreateConfig);
createResponseData = createResponseData.data;
if (createResponseData && createResponseData.data && createResponseData.data.id) {
return createResponseData.data.id;
} catch (error) {
async deleteWebhook(nodeData: INodeData, webhookId: string): Promise<boolean> {
const credentials = nodeData.credentials;
if (credentials === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing credentials');
const authToken = credentials.authToken as string;
const axiosConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: 'DELETE' as Method,
url: `https://dashboard.alchemyapi.io/api/delete-webhook?webhook_id=${webhookId}`,
headers: { 'X-Alchemy-Token': authToken },
try {
await axios(axiosConfig);
} catch (error) {
return false;
return true;
async runWebhook(nodeData: INodeData): Promise<IWebhookNodeExecutionData[] | null> {
const inputParametersData = nodeData.inputParameters;
const req = nodeData.req;
if (inputParametersData === undefined) {
throw new Error('Required data missing');
if (req === undefined) {
throw new Error('Missing request');
const returnData: ICommonObject[] = [];
headers: req?.headers,
params: req?.params,
query: req?.query,
body: req?.body,
rawBody: (req as any).rawBody,
url: req?.url
return returnWebhookNodeExecutionData(returnData);
module.exports = { nodeClass: MinedTransactionWebhook }