
A node is script or function written to perform a single action. For instance: API calls using axios, cron jobs, set timeout, send email and etc. This is how node works:

  1. Receive inputs from user
  2. Execute function using the input parameters received
  3. Emit and save results

Three types of nodes in Outerbridge:

  • Action Node
  • Trigger Node
  • Webhook Node

It is recommended to test out every node before deploying the whole workflow

Action Node

Action node is a node that performs an action / execute a function.

How to test action node

  1. Add a new action node
  2. For each section, fill in the required fields
  3. Click Continue to get a green check ✅
  4. Lastly, click Test Node to test the action node

Outerbridge Action Node

Trigger Node

Trigger node is a node that listens to event via NodeJS Event Emitter.

How to test trigger node

  1. Add a new trigger node
  2. For each section, fill in the required fields
  3. Click Continue to get a green check ✅
  4. Click Test Node to test the trigger node
  5. Send the event (e.g: an email, a token transfer)

Outerbridge Trigger Node

Webhook Node

Webhook node is a node that listens to webhook calls.

How to test webhook node

  1. Add a new webhook node
  2. For each section, fill in the required fields
  3. Click Continue to get a green check ✅
  4. Click Save & Test Webhook to test the webhook node. Note: workflow will be automatically saved at this point.
  5. Call the Webhook URL

Outerbridge Webhook Node